Rambles: Did social media make us worse?

Rambles: Did social media make us worse?
Photo by camilo jimenez / Unsplash

I keep hearing stuff about how social media make us worse, how it affects our life and all.

Truth to be told, most of those are true. Individually, social media waste our time. We could be doing much better things but we waste our valuable time watching a bunch of freaks doing weird stuff.

I can't really say that social media is bad altogether, there are a lot of good stuff in there – like a lot of people. You can learn a lot of things, be a better person.

I will do an absurd thing and talk about my final point: Social media can make us worse people (just like a lot of other activities) but actually, all it does is expose us. Humans have never been any different than the dumb people you see on social media. Majority of people have always been stupid. Those toxic people you see on Twitter have always been there. They were riots in the past. People burning books, burning libraries because they don't like what is written inside. People killing each other for nothing.

All social media did was expose this truth globally. We see thousands of people on social media everyday. Information travels way, way faster. We have access to any type of information, in our fingertips.

But here is what some of us do: We don't look for information. We only watch what they show us. We believe in the first thing we hear. We don't question information. (We never have in the past either)

Social media is a tool, just like a lot of things. You can use it for good, or for bad. Most of us use it for bad because, again, the majority of people have ALWAYS BEEN stupid.

So the answer is both. Yes, and no. Yes, it makes us worse individually and no, we've always been stupid and toxic. The only difference is now we have an anonymous way to express it.